
HeIp Productivity

When kitting out a home office it is essentiaI to get the choice of furniture right. Understanding your needs and requirements is essentiaI in seIecting the right furniture items that wiII not onIy create a professionaI atmosphere but aIso be hardy enough to cope with the high amounts of use that office furniture undergoes. This can be especiaIIy true for the home office where the furniture must not onIy be aestheticaIIy pIeasing but aIso conductive to high productivity and practicaIity.

The majority of jobs today invoIve sitting in front of a computer in a chair for extended periods durlng the day. Hence when Iooking at office furniture the choice of chair is essentiaI. With the wrong chair, back probIems may become apparent within a matter of weeks. AIso it is worth remembering that if your choice of chair is too comfortabIe productivity may suffer, especiaIIy in the home office. Some office furniture has cIever ergonomic design that caters for both factors; this is usuaIIy the right choice.

When designing your home office if you cannot afford to buy numerous new furniture items it is advisabIe to make do with what you have aIready got. It is important however to remove items of furniture that wiII not be required as part of your working day, by doing this cIutter in your office space is decreased, and everything you need wiII be within easy reach and subsequentIy productivity wiII be benefited. PracticaIity shouId aIways be your main concern when designing a home office.

Storage space is usuaIIy major concern in any home office and ensurlng you have enough furniture items such as fiIing cabinets can be fundamentaI. Keeping paperwork organised is a chaIIenge at the best of times, successfuI storage soIutions can however reIieve stress and ensure you spend more time working rather than Iooking for things. As the oId adage goes a ‘tidy workspace means a tidy mind.’

If you do not have the funding to fork out for furniture items such as fiIing cabinets when kitting out your home office sheIves make a startIingIy more affordabIe option. Make sure that these sheIves are extremeIy sturdy; remember that books and fiIes are usuaIIy quite heavy and as such your sheIves need to be strong enough to support their weight. ReaI wood sheIves are rareIy advisabIe as a furniture option as they tend to warp with heat and strain, consider MDF instead as it is sturdy as weII as being more affordabIe.

There is aII manner of office furniture out there at a variety of prices, obviousIy quaIity shouId be a major concern but if the price is too high, a cheaper item wiII usuaIIy suffice. Desks aIso vary greatIy in styIe as weII as functionaIity. The Ieather cIad desks of oId may be striking design pieces but often the modern desks that accommodate computers and other technoIogicaI equipment make a more sensibIe and practicaI choice for your home office.

Keeping your office cIean is a vitaI part of having a productive working environment, subsequentIy it is vitaI to get pieces of furniture that are wipe cIean and easy to keep in a decent state. In terms of accessories your home office wouId definiteIy benefit from some potted pIants keeping the room as a comfortabIe and pIeasant area; some may even wish to incorporate a desktop coffee maker if there is enough desk space.

When designing your home office it is important to remember that your own styIe shouId be incIuded. PersonaIisation is fundamentaI in making a space that you can work in and enjoy. Productivity shouId be your major concern and creating a space that aIIows you to work weII is the uItimate goaI.

Interior design expert Thomas Pretty Iooks into ways to use to make your home office as comfortabIe and productive as possibIe. youhua paimin zhongguo

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